Abbasi | Kaminski | Tavakol Physical Review Letter published. Dropping droplets of ink into a glass of clear water, everyone can observe the effect of classical diffusion spreading the ink until, eventually, it is uniformly distributed. However, pushing this phenomenon into the quantum statistical regime considering a quantum fluid instead of water, brings about a host of non-intuitive effects. This theoretical realization has implications on experiments with ultracold gases as well as heavy ion collisions. For example, the data from a recent experiment [P. T. Brown et al, Science 363, 379 (2019), arXiv:1802.09456] displaying peculiar behavior, a so-called “bad metal” which has a resistivity proportional to the temperature, is re-analyzed and found to be consistent with the theory constructed in our Letter. More specifically, diffusion is modified by non-linear self-interactions and by a necessary regulator time scale within the effective field theory of diffusive fluctuations constructed in our Letter. Note added: Recently, three papers very relevant to this topic appeared, namely [Kovtun/Jain (2023)], [Mullins, Hippert, Gavassino, Noronha, PRD (2023)], [Gavassino, Abboud, Speranza, Noronha, PRD (2024)]. |
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May 2024
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